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metal steel garage shelving.The emergence of modern warehouses promotes the development of shelves

Time:2024-04-15 source:other news Popular:display shelving wholesaler Views:923

  The emergence of modern warehouses promotes the development of shelves

  Shelves may be very familiar to everyone, from China's ancient Chinese medicine to the various shelves used in all kinds of modern shopping malls, to the steel bars in large three-dimensional warehouses or more advanced materials made of shelves, are familiar to people, but then a deeper layer into the professional perspective of the shelves, there may not be many people know. The development of modern logistics is the premise of the emergence and development of three-dimensional warehouses, which is adapted to the development of industry and science and technology.

  Modern large-scale production has increasingly promoted the socialization, specialization and centralization of industrial production. The high degree of mechanization of production, automation inevitably requires the supply and distribution of materials in a timely and rapid development, and has become a symbol of high-tech factory design. When the modern management concept of saving costs and improving efficiency becomes the primary consideration of managers, how to effectively use the warehouse space and how to improve the use volume of the warehouse has also been put on the important position.

  The focus of storage management has two directions, one is how to increase the effective use of storage space, and the other is how to promote the flow of goods. The storage space of goods is called the storage space, although this space is used for storage on the surface, but in fact this space is a secondary station in the procurement, marketing and distribution of goods, so the storage area has become the central hub of goods storage and transportation. Therefore, the effective use of storage space has become an important topic for managers and logistics center operators to improve. For the planning of space, we must first classify, understand the direction of use of each space, and then evaluate its weight choice in all aspects, and then design and layout after evaluating the comparison of weights. If storage space is limited and planning and design changes are not possible, ways to maximize the utilization of available storage space are sought. This puts higher requirements on the shelves. The emergence of modern warehouses, driving the development of shelves.

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