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wire shelf wholesaler.Explanation of the width of narrow aisle shelf channels

Time:2024-07-09 source:other news Popular:display shelving wholesaler Views:772


  When it comes to narrow aisle shelves, can only people pass through? The answer from the editor is not entirely yes, because the channels of such shelves are generally between 1.5 and 2 meters, which can be passed through by people or mechanical equipment.

  However, we should know that narrow aisle shelves are generally used to store large amounts of goods, and the height of the shelves is also relatively high, usually reaching 10 meters. Therefore, for safety reasons, it is not suitable for people to stay and walk inside for a long time.

  Generally, narrow aisle shelves use specialized narrow aisle forklifts for loading and unloading operations. Forklifts travel at a fast speed within the aisle, posing certain safety hazards to pedestrians.

  Therefore, in order to ensure safety, personnel are generally not allowed to walk in narrow aisle shelves. If it is necessary to enter the channel for work, relevant safety regulations should be followed and necessary protective measures should be taken. The specific main matters are as follows:

  1. Wear necessary protective equipment, such as safety helmets, protective goggles, work clothes, etc.

  2. Pay attention to the surrounding environment and avoid forklifts and other mobile devices.

  3. Walk slowly and do not run or chase.

  4. Do not pile up debris in the passage to avoid obstructing passage.

  5. Strictly adhere to safety operating procedures to ensure personal safety.

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